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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Shoe Boxes of Love - Update

These continue to be received from all over New Zealand - 30 from South Wairarapa is just an example.  A spot check shows these to have high quality contents and and are being distributed within hours of receipt - Rotary New Zealand World Community Service (RNZWCS) Chair Stuart Batty mentions that he has personally delivered some of these and has to "carry a box of tissues with me such is the grateful response." 

RNZWCS has linked with the Aranui Community Trust (ACTIS) and approx 20 other local NGO’s to deliver house by house in the most affected areas of Chch.

ACTIS is a very well organised community organisation and provides support in conjunction with a number of organisations including NZ Police, HCNZ,  Women’s Refuge etc. who are available Monday through Friday at their premises. They have a full time neighbourhood nurse and the other services mentioned also make house calls. A very informative newsletter is being delivered to 3000 homes on a regular basis.

The wonderful supporters of Shoe Boxes of Love can be assured that the recipients are truly grateful to caring people they will never meet to thank personally.