Welcome to this February 2012 circulation outlining activities of the Earthquake Recovery Support Project (EQRSP).
(Note; The Christchurch Rotary Earthquake Appeal Charitable Trust has a separate newsletter to communicate its activities but it too has been very busy receiving a stream of applications for support.)
We have encouraged all Rotary Clubs in the District to become actively involved in earthquake recovery support and this Newsletter is an important communication.
Christmas Shocker
On December 23rd, just as the city was breaking up work and preparing for the festive season, four earthquakes in quick succession shattered our confidence, caused further damage to structures, more liquefaction to dig out in the east and consequently have delayed the recovery and key decision making.
“A bad earthquake at once destroys the oldest associations: the world, the very emblem of all that is solid has moved beneath our feet like a crust over fluid, one second in time has conveyed to the mind a strange idea of insecurity …” – Charles Darwin 1839
An old quote, but so real to us all in the past year and as we mark the anniversary of the 22/2 catastrophe next week.
Burwood School Ends the Year
Burwood School, located in the eastern suburbs of Christchurch, has a roll of 352 (reduced by 80 post earthquakes) and a staff of 33. About 70% of their catchment area is now classified as Red Zone land which is condemned for future residential use so all residents within the Zone are facing the difficult future of finding new residences and moving from their current community.
The school has lost its hall due to structural damage. This curtails school arts and cultural activities. Many “normal” school activities such as camps, educational visits and similar have been discontinued because discretionary pupil money is not available due to the austerity and financial priorities being more evident in most homes due to earthquake consequences.
Van for Queenspark School
RC Christchurch and RC Bishopdale Burnside have partnered to half fund a replacement 12 seater van for Queenspark School. This van is also used by the community for transport to sports and cultural events which they are finding are now being held in the west of the city a greater distance away.
Other projects supported:
RC Linwood Woolston – Have had their scholarships for Linwood College and Avonside Girls High School pupils to attend University generously supported by D9910
RC Ferrymead – supported the Ferrymead Historical Society to construct a Tram Barn to shelter the historical trams which were a tourist feature of the Inner City. This has now been completed and opened.
Mobile Library Vans for City Libraries – this project, two mobile library vans, has been developed and currently City Libraries are procuring equipment.
We have received to support for one Library Van from the international Cotton On Foundation and an impressive initiative led by D9810, to organize and commit the Rotary Districts of Australia to provide DDF and a Contestable Matching Grant is currently in the approval process.
Many libraries in the city were critically damaged and a number were closed recently when found structurally at risk and needing repair – the vans will fill the gaps when they get on the road mid-year.
Pools in SchoolZ
These continue to be poular with organized “learn to swim” and fully used. The third pool was installed at Linwood Avenue School at the start of February.
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Linwood/Woolston & Ferrymead Rotarians on the job. |
EQRS Project Activity:
Rotary, through D9920 and the Chenery Memorial Trust (Auckland), provided funding and the RC Chch North volunteer services, for a marquee to host end of year assemblies, concerts, prize-givings and discos. Also, the Year 6 pupils, who missed their annual school camp, had a day at an adventure activity park and the PTA also organized a Fun Day to end the year.
From Teacher Jacquie Ching –“Thank you Rotary. Your generosity, expertise and time certainly enabled Burwood School to end the year in a positive manner. It enabled us to give the children as little disruption as possible with their normal end of year celebrations.”
Some quotes from people involved:
“Wow, this is so cool, feels like we are very special, can we sleep in here.” (Year 1 pupil)
“Amazing, an amazing experience, and amazing atmosphere, thank you Rotary for making this possible, a great end to a terrible year” (parent)
“I am so thankful to Rotary for enabling us to hold the final events for the year under cover. It created such great atmosphere and got all the school community together as one.” (parent)
The Project committee recently met to kick off the new year. We have critically reviewed emerging projects we are aware of and the progress status of current projects.
There are a number of donors who have promised funds which we have not yet aligned to projects and we intend to address these in the next three months.
The Project intends to align with other philanthropists with a view to partner on larger project. Also, we will take opportunities to continue (and is some cases renew) alignment with clubs to foster support for their EQ recovery projects through alignment with wider Rotary resources.
The Project committee intends to source a further Matching Grant opportunity to meet the funding desires of some of our international supporters.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Participants Develop Projects
At D9970 RYLA Course in January, participant syndicates were challenged to come up with projects which would benefit youth in Christchurch, particularly something with an earthquake recovery theme.
Some very exciting ideas were innovated and presented. The favoured proposal (by popular vote) was ;
The establishment of a permanent, public, outdoor ping pong table, integrated into a community garden. We believe that this proposal would provide entertainment for young people, the chance to be outdoors, as well as the chance to be involved in a community garden, which has various benefits of its own.
While Christchurch has a number of community gardens in existence, we are not aware of any public outdoor ping pong (POPPs) tables in the city. There are many successful examples of POPPs in Berlin, Perth, London and New York. Through the combination of a community garden and a ping pong table within one space, the opportunity exists to further draw together different generations, interest and community groups (e.g. Gap Filler, youth groups), schools, and artists.
While Christchurch has a number of community gardens in existence, we are not aware of any public outdoor ping pong (POPPs) tables in the city. There are many successful examples of POPPs in Berlin, Perth, London and New York. Through the combination of a community garden and a ping pong table within one space, the opportunity exists to further draw together different generations, interest and community groups (e.g. Gap Filler, youth groups), schools, and artists.
We have funding available and the RC Chch Sunrise is going to provide mentoring and assistance to the RYLA Group to realize their project.